Workshops and Teaching

Melon. Marble. Kozo Hair.
(From ‘Dragon Series’)
Platinum-palladium print on 100% rag from 11×14 original negative.
Workshops, portfolio mentoring, and project consulting sessions are scheduled individually or via institutions. Please contact Pradip Malde for more information.
The next group workshop will be offered at Cone Editions Press, Vermont, in August 2024.
A list of handouts that I have prepared for classes and workshops. They are freely available and may be used with due acreditation for educational and non-commercial purposes.
Adobe Lightroom Classic (LrC)
A ‘quickstart’ guide to LrC, how to set up the catalog, and maintain a hassle-free workflow and environment.
iPhones in the Darkroom
How to modify some smartphones to emit a ‘safe’ display.
Platinum/palladium printing datasheet
Equipment, Materials and Resources for Platinotype
A running list of sources for equipment, materials, and further references. This is a Google Sheets document that may be sorted by column headings and searched for any text. Suggestions for updates may also be submitted via the comments tool.
Papers for Platinum/Palladium printing
With a note on the use of vellum or translucent papers.
Step Wedge / Test Target
A downloadable file, with descriptions and usage guidelines

Madame Edline Pierre’s Papaya Tree
Saut Mathurin, Haiti
March, 2007